Thursday, April 12, 2012

2012 --- a year for weddings

2012 is the year for WEDDINGS...we have seven weddings that we're going to. wow! love is in the air! i seriously get all giddy inside when i hear that another friend of mine is engaged. it is such a fun & exciting time in life. it makes me think back to when we got engaged & how happy i felt.

before bryan & i got married i had a bridal shower where a group of lovely ladies gave me cards with words of wisdom & advice on them. i was looking through our "wedding book" last week & came across the cards. i read through each of them again. i smiled. i want my girlfriends to get the same advice that i did.  

to all my lovely ladies who will tie the knot this year, here is some advice for you: (written by some very wise, special, & important ladies in my life) 

~always respect each others opinions & thoughts. remember to say "i love you" everyday! - Alicia.

~always have a date night even when you have babies. take lots of walks together. if you're going to have a fight, make sure you look AMAZING! (this is my favorite piece of advice) don't let the sun go down on your anger. (amen!) - Lori

~talk to each other. keep lines of communication open all of the time. LOVE and RESPECT. respect him! - my sister & best friend, Sarah

~find out what way he puts his toilet paper on the will save a fight. always go on dates. make time for each other no matter how busy you are. ask his opinion! - Olivia

~don't stress the little things & as day to day life happens remember to take time for each other everyday. - Aunt Susan

~never go to bed angry, always laugh at the little things. marriage is a relationship of give & take. it's not 50/50 it's 100/100 --- always giving all of yourself to the Lord. draw closer to him & you'll grow closer together. God first, then each other. - Courtney

~never go to sleep upset with each other. make sure you include God in EVERYTHING! don't forget your girls --- you're gonna need just girl time! while giving your love to your hubby, don't forget to love yourself --- save some alone time for YOU! - Jenn Lee

~enjoy marriage & treasure all the wonderful memories because when the small arguments come along you'll remember what you truly have together. don't forget your girlfriends! - Crystal 

~love with all you have. forgive with all of your heart --- the whole heart! God first everything else second. don't burn the chicken! (hahaha) - Lacey

~keep going on dates. keep the mystery going. pick your battles...not all of them are worth fighting.- Chantel never go to sleep mad at each other. 

~always talk over each problem before it grows bigger. - Grandma (this comes from my grandma who was married to my grandpa for over 50 years. such an amazing example of love for all of us. i miss her) 

~everybody has advice but your heart knows when it's good. journal the good times so when the tough times come you can reflect back. communicate! - Ashley

here is some of my advice...keep God at the center of your marriage. this can be difficult. surrender everything to Him. including your marriage. your husband. future children. job. your life. pray together often. keep God in every aspect of your life. God cares about all of your life. not just the bad things. he wants a relationship with you. hold hands when you argue. it will be easier to forgive & not to stay mad at each other. if he makes a meal that you don't like then TELL him! don't pretend that you love it. if you pretend that you like it then he might cook it again!!

i thank all these sweet ladies for their advice! people say that the first year of marriage is the was a transitional stage for us. we had fun. we laughed. cried. had arguments. if our 1st year was the hardest then i'm looking forward to the rest of our lives together. going on two years this june & i love him more & more everyday. 


Monday, February 13, 2012


when people walk into our house we want them to know who we are. what we believe. we are followers of jesus. we have fun. we laugh. act crazy. we pray. we stay up late talking. we always listen to music. that's what we do. our house is the place that we feel the safest. where we feel secure & loved.

i want our house to be inviting. vibrant. fun. relaxing. this is how it should be. this is the place where we entertain. where i create. the place where we watch movies. invite friends over. where we will soon grow a family. where i bake. light candles. decorate. paint my nails with girlfriends. our house is more than just a place to sleep.

our house is a place of prayer. with each other. with friends. with family. when people walk into our house we want them to feel the love of god all around. it should feel different. warm. it should feel safe to them.

these rules are like a mission statement for the family. it lets people know what we value and what is important to us. what we believe. these are our house rules...

"as for me and my house we will serve the lord." - joshua 24:15