Monday, February 13, 2012


when people walk into our house we want them to know who we are. what we believe. we are followers of jesus. we have fun. we laugh. act crazy. we pray. we stay up late talking. we always listen to music. that's what we do. our house is the place that we feel the safest. where we feel secure & loved.

i want our house to be inviting. vibrant. fun. relaxing. this is how it should be. this is the place where we entertain. where i create. the place where we watch movies. invite friends over. where we will soon grow a family. where i bake. light candles. decorate. paint my nails with girlfriends. our house is more than just a place to sleep.

our house is a place of prayer. with each other. with friends. with family. when people walk into our house we want them to feel the love of god all around. it should feel different. warm. it should feel safe to them.

these rules are like a mission statement for the family. it lets people know what we value and what is important to us. what we believe. these are our house rules...

"as for me and my house we will serve the lord." - joshua 24:15