lately I've had a strong desire to read my Bible more. to workout more. and to pray more. today I was thinking that in order to be balanced in life I have to feed all three. my mind. my body. and my soul.
I can't just spend so much time working out physically that I neglect my spirituality. annnnnd for a while that's what I have been doing. trying to get my beach body ready while Ava napped allowed me to neglect my spiritual body. and isn't our spiritual body the most important?
I made a decision that from now on, as much as I can, as soon as I lay Ava down for her nap I will begin my whole body workout. this means that I will begin with reading a Bible passage. then I will pray & meditate on God's word. after all of this, I will do my physical workout.
it has been so easy for me to take naptime & do whatever I want to do. crafting. watching movies. taking naps. or the next thing I know I've been on pinterest for 30 minutes. or I've scrolled through endless photos on instagraaaaaam.
today I began my 1st day of refreshing & balancing my whole body by reading Psalm 25:4-5. "Show me your ways O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth & teach me, for you are God my Savior, & my hope is in you all day long."
Ava's naptime can be anywhere from two hours to two and a half hours. thank you God for those hours of precious me time! can I get an amen?! God doesn't require that I spend all of that time in the word. (He surely would love it, of course) he loves when we can spend even just minutes in his presence. he knows that I am a mama. and that it is difficult to even get dressed somedays. he smiles big even when we spend minutes with him. so don't be discouraged that you can't spend hours of your time with Him. time. that is one thing that people continuously want more of. but really it's a matter of how you're spending your time.
I'm choosing. I'm choosing to spend my time being silent before the Lord for a little while each day. will I fail? of course. I know there will be days that I don't feel like it or I won't remember. but God still loves me the same. and He is still pleased with the time I have given on other days.
how do you stay balanced mind, body, & soul?