Tuesday, October 20, 2015

we're filling our pumpkin patch!

we're finally ready to let the world know that we're expecting BABY #2 in April!!!! we are beyond thrilled to be adding another sweet baby to our family! it truly happened at the perfect timing, but that's just how God's timing is, right?! Ava & the new baby will be about two & a half years apart. such a good age difference. 

in the beginning of the year we began talking about the idea of another baby. we've always desired to have more than one child. it can be difficult to really know when you're ready. but we felt ready! so in the summer we started trying & conceived in July!

I am SO so grateful that I did not get a lot of morning sickness, which was the same with my pregnancy with Ava. I noticed some minimal nausea after breakfast every few days & it would always subside by lunch time. that lasted for about 4 weeks. the tiredness was what I noticed the most! some days I would just lay in Ava's room covered in my blanket while she played. 

I scheduled my prenatal appointment with my new doctor (who I really have come to love by the way!) my doctor hooked up the ultrasound equipment & everything just stopped when I saw that little bean on the screen! I could see the baby's heart beating. such a precious moment. she searched for another baby, but only one is in the womb! I thought I'd add that here because I know so many people will eagerly ask! when I went in for that ultrasound I found out that I was 3 weeks further along than I thought!!! I was surprised & a little confused because I thought we tracked it all out pretty well. HAH! my doctor told me I was 12 & a half weeks along. I loved hearing that because it meant we get to meet our baby that much sooner! 

my due date is April 7th. a spring baby. 

Bryan is always so helpful with Ava & definitely took up the slack when I was tired in my first trimester. I was tired around dinner time, so often times I would take a power nap while he cleaned up. and for that I am so grateful! he checks to make sure I have water at my bedside every night. he's truly the best man for me!

Ava is already such a sweet big sister! she doesn't fully understand but she does get a huge smile on her face when we mention our baby. she also loves to say "I'm a big sister!" we bought her the I'm a Big Sister book by Joanna Cole & Ava practically has the whole book memorized. it is beyond adorable! she wants to read it just about everyday. when asked where mommy's baby is, Ava will point to my belly & say "mommy's belly!" I cannot wait for the way she interacts with the baby. she truly is going to be such an amazing big sister. the way she cares for her baby dolls lets me know that!

we thank you for all of your support & loving words. we hope you can be in prayer with us for a healthy baby & a healthy delivery.

photo credits go to Auntie Sarah!
