It was a normal week for me. Wednesday of last week I drove to the obgyn to ask a few questions about my menstrual cycle. When I left tears were in my eyes. The nurse looked at me with knowing eyes...."You're Pregnant!" I had NO idea I was pregnant! I took a pregnancy test in February and it came back negative. I went on thinking I wasn't carrying a baby, but I was! Life was normal. For 3 months I had no idea. No morning sickness. Oh SO thankful for that!
Looking back onto these past 3 months I realize where all of my tiredness came from. I took a nap everyday when I got home from work and every weekend I was taking 3 hour naps. I also noticed being hungry ALL the time.
While in the doctor's office I had to sit for 10 minutes by myself, which felt like an hour. I wanted to call everyone! I was shocked, surprised, and stoked all at the same time. So many thoughts were going through my head. "How will I finish school? I'm going to be pregnant on our vacation? What will I wear to work? Will I stay home? How do I tell Bryan?" The doctor did an ultrasound to determine how far along I was. Seeing that baby made the "You're pregnant!" statement more realistic. I was 13 weeks, which puts me at 14 weeks today. I am due October 22nd. I'm in the 2nd trimester and am feeling great.
I didn't know how to tell Bryan the good news. I had an idea to tell him with a piece of fruit. When he got home I handed him a lemon. I told him that the lemon he was holding is the size of our baby. He laughed and told me "Yah right!" and I said, "No seriously! Look at the ultrasound picture!" We hugged and laughed and cried. He was just as excited as I was when I first heard the news.
We are going to find out the sex of the baby. The first week of June will be when I am 20 weeks. Maybe I can find out a week before for an early birthday present!!
Our family is SO excited for us!! I am eager to learn about "baby stuff" and being a mom. I am very happy to have my sister pregnant at the same time! We can share in the heartburn, the hunger pains, the big bellies, and the cravings! Lots of pregnant girls in our family...It's in the water --- my sister in law, Jessica (my brother's wife) gave birth to our niece last week. AND my sister in law, Briana (Bryan's sister) is due in June. Happy to know that our babies will be close and best buds!!! The grandparents are obviously excited!!
We are thrilled beyond measure to be having a baby. It was a little earlier than planned, but God knows best! His plans are always better than ours!!
Please keep me and the health of our baby in your prayers. We're praying for a healthy baby, full term delivery, and time to reflect on me & Bryan's relationship before the baby arrives.
***(Photo credit- to my wonderful sister! Thanks Sarah!)
Bryan & Amanda